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Thursday, April 8, 2010


But, before taking a temporary leave of coins, I must put my readers up to a few wrinkles in connection with the use of the sleeve-a portion of the conjuror's attire which is but rarely employed, notwithstanding the popular exclamation of "Up his sleeve," which is usually made use of when the operator has vanished some trifle in the shape of a cauliflower or rabbit, for the reception of which articles the sleeve of a dress coat is so admirably adapted.

Now the sleeve is only used when its coadjutorship is unsuspected; and, in the case of coins, only when the palm is suspected of containing the coin. So many people have a misty idea of palming, that one frequently hears whispered, "In his palm." Should the whisperer be wrong, of course you will at once prove him to be so by exhibiting your palms empty; but should he be right, you will then feign not to hear the whisper. Sometimes, though, the announcement is not made in a whisper, but in the form of a challenge to you, and this you must be prepared to meet.

Suppose the coin is palmed and you are challenged; you are close to or among the audience, and the challenger is importunate. Nothing remains but to sleeve the coin. This manoeuvre is executed by shooting the arm straight out, the palm open and downwards, with such force as will carry the coin up the sleeve. Of course, you must not stand in middle of the room shooting your arm out, or the audience will either divine what you are about or will think you are taking leave of your senses. The action must be covered by an advance towards the challenger, which must be done as boldly as if you had never even seen the coin, much less concealed it in your palm. As you advance, say something; for example, "What! in my palm, sir? I don't understand you. How can anything be in my palm? If you don't believe me, see for yourself."

With this, make the shoot, and turn the hand over. Care must be taken that the arm is quite level, or the coin will slide gracefully on to the floor. You must not stop here, but say, "Perhaps you would like to see my other hand as well, sir" (show left hand, at same time allowing coin to fall back in the right, where palm it), "or maybe you think the coin is up my sleeve."

Shake both arms vigorously, which, as the coin is again in your palm, you can do with impunity, and ask someone to feet your sleeves. An extra effect is given by your asserting that the cause of the gentleman's anxiety was that he himself had basely pilfered the coin, and wished to pass the odium on to you. With this remark, produce the coin from some part of his person. Barring the disturbance to the equilibrium of one's feelings of security whilst the performance is going on, this little interlude, promptly carried out, is as good as any set trick.

Of course there must be no bungling. Should the sleeves be turned back, as they often will be, they must fi1'st be unrolled, with great deliberation. In such an instance you would, of course, show that your sleeves are guiltless of any deception, before exonerating the palm. Practice will enable you at once to perceive the nature of the objection about to be raised, so that ordinarily you can anticipate, and turn down one sleeve at least. It is not often that the exigency occurs, but it will infallibly do so at some time or other, so one must be prepared to meet it, or be looked upon as an impostor.

A second method for sending a coin up the sleeve is to place it almost on the ends of the fingers (Fig. 16) palm upwards, and, turning the hand rapidly over, close it (Fig. 17). This will throw the coin up the sleeve, whereas the appearance is that it is enclosed in the hand.

A third method is to hold the coin between the thumb and middle finger (Fig. 18) and "flip" it up the sleeve.

A fourth method is to place the coin on the edge of the table and cover it with the ends of the fingers, which draw smartly back and shut, when the coin will be shot up the sleeve. This somewhat resembles the second method.

A fifth method is to spin the coin high in the air, and as it descends make a "grab" at it as if catching, but in reality allow it to fall down the sleeve, keeping the hand shut as though holding it. This is one of the most thorough deceptions I know of. It is so perfect that the operator himself cannot see the coin enter the sleeve. I am quite aware that it seems improbable, but a trial will be conclusive on the point.

A pleasing variety of the first method is to place a coin (the heavier the better) on the palm of the hand. Turn the hand over briskly, at the same time thrusting it well forward, and the coin will slide up the sleeve. In performing any of these tricks be careful to have the shirt cuff pulled well up and out of the way, and do not wear large links or solitaires, against which the coin will infallibly clink, if only for the simple reason that it is not wanted to do so.

No one but a bungler would use the sleeve in his regular performances, except when driven by necessity; but it is highly essential for a conjuror to be perfect in all the minutiae of his art, and he must practise them as the pianoforte-player practises the scales which he never plays to the public.

In using marked coins, always take the greatest care that the marking is done in such a manner as to render it impossible for the coin not to be recognised on making its reappearance; and also let several people see the mark. It is very disheartening, when you have performed an elaborate trick, in which a Mr. Interference has given you no end of trouble, to hear the owner of the coin say that he cannot recognise his mark. I have seen people put some trivial mark on a coin in pencil, which would rub off immediately.

It is also advisable to have a quantity of cheap coins by you. In such tricks as trick d, large, thin, and showy silver Turkish coins are the best. They possess every advantage; the milled edge gives a firm hold for the palm, whilst the substance of the coin allows of a large number being held in the hand. Besides this, thin coins give a good business-like clink; whilst a large coin is always more effective than a small one. Pennies plated over make very fair substitutes, and do not entail much loss of capital if kept aside ready for use, as they always should be, which can hardly be said to be the case with florins or half-crowns.

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