Effect: The magician's solid wand or pencil seems to turn to soft rubber. On command, it turns solid again.
Secret: Hold the wand horizontally in front of you between thumb and forefinger about a third of the way from the end. By moving your hand up and down in short quick moves, the wand will seem to become flexible and appear as if it were made of rubber (see illustration). This is an excellent optical illusion.
Presentation: Tap the wand on something to show that it is solid. Say the magic word and now demonstrate that it is wobbly and flexible. Another magic word and it turns solid again.
Effect: From a small purse you produce a large solid magic wand or pencil.
Secret: Obtain a small money purse and cut a small hole at the bottom.
Presentation: Have the wand partly up your sleeve and the other end inside the purse, through the hole. Show the purse, then open it and slowly pull out the large wand. This impressive illusion should be practised in front of a mirror. It is a real fooler and worth the extra trouble in obtaining a suitable purse.
Effect: A ring threaded onto a loop is released, although a spectator is holding the string.
Secret: Read PREPARATION carefully to see how you can solve this puzzle.
Props: Any ring and one cord.
Preparation: Get someone to help you practise this item before presenting it. Tie one piece of cord into a loop (circle). Slide the ring onto one end of the loop. Have your friend hold up his fingers. Put each end of the loop over one finger (see figure 1) but not too tight. Take a section of this cord and make another loop over the finger on the other side of the ring (see figure 2). Be sure you put the second loop below the first loop on the finger. Take the original loop and carefully lift it above the finger (see figure 3). Tell the holder to tighten up on the cord. As he does, you let go of your loop. The ring will fall free even though the string is still on his fingers. You will have to practise this a number of times before you can expect to do it smoothly.