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Monday, March 8, 2010

Wand Power

Effect: The magician makes some mysterious passes around a wand or pencil which uncannily starts to move on its own.
Secret: The magician secretly blows on the wand, which causes it to roll.
Props: Use a wand or pencil. A smooth, firm surface is essential.
Preparation: Practise blowing toward the wand gently and secretly.
Presentation: Lay the wand on the table and very slowly trace circles around the outside of the wand with a finger. Then, as you move the finger away, the wand seems to follow. You claim to have created a static field that pulls plastic like a magnet. The trick is that as you draw the finger away from you and from the wand, you blow gently on the wand. The audience is so busy watching the movement of the finger, they won't notice that you are blowing towards the wand, which causes it to roll easily on the flat surface.

Amazing Wild Card Bend

This is an excellent card trick where a spectator is seen to randomly pick a playing card from the deck. The magician then holds the card out in front of the spectator and it is seen to bend back and forward at will. This easy card trick is visually stunning and is a good ice breaker.


A playing card is randomly chosen from the pack. The card is then seen to bend back and forward wildly as if by magic.

How To Do The Trick :

A few simple items are all that is required to perform this easy magic trick. the magic instruction video shown here will show you the magic illusion being performed and then reveals the secret to this clever wild conjuring stunt.


This trick works best when the spectator thinks they have randomly chosen the card. Practice an easy force such as the riffle Force so that you can get the most effect out of this trick.

Practice your angles when performing so that the back of the card is not visible to the spectator when it is bending.

Cup Through Table

Effect: A cup or glass vanishes when wrapped in a sheet of paper.
Secret: A piece of paper wrapped around the cup or glass will retain the shape of the cup – even after the
magician has secretly dropped the cup into his lap.
Props: A cup or glass, any small object and a sheet of newspaper or tissue paper.
Preparation: Select a piece of newspaper slightly larger than the cup so that it will cover it completely with
some overlap.
Presentation: Place the cup over any small object and wrap the paper around it. Ask the audience what is
under the cup. Everyone will, of course, suspect that you are about to vanish the object. Lift the paper and
cup to reassure everyone that the object is still on the table. Moving the wrapped cup slightly towards you,
just clear of the table relax your hold so that the cup is allowed to quietly drop into your lap, out of sight of
the audience, of course, whose attention is still focused on the object.The paper will retain the shape of the
cup. When you again place the paper over the object, you must maintain the illusion that you are replacing
both paper and cup. Wave your hand mysteriously over the "cup" and claim that you will make the object
vanish. When you lift the "cup" the object is still there. Remove the object but replace the "cup". Tell the
audience that something must have gone wrong and you are unable to vanish the object, so you have decided
to vanish the cup instead! At that moment dramatically smash your hand down onto the paper which will
flatten, giving the appearance that the "cup" has penetrated the table. Bring the cup from under the table
(removing it from your lap, in one smooth movement) and replace it on the table.