Effect: Two playing cards make a mysterious journey.
Secret: You need a special playing card. First glue an Ace of Spades and a King of Diamonds back to back. Cut an Ace of Clubs in half lengthways. Glue this on top of the Ace of Spades. Now glue a smaller strip of another King of Diamonds on top of that. Hold a King of Hearts against the special card and it looks like four cards. Place the four cards in a box. Bring out the King of Hearts and place it in another box. Secretly turn the special card over and bring it out, showing the King of Diamonds. Also place this in the other box. Show the first box empty. The Aces have vanished. Take all four cards (really only two) from the second box, showing them as you did before. It seems that the Aces have magically travelled across.
Effect: A matchbox obeys your commands.
Secret: Run a thread through the end of a matchbox drawer (see figure 1). Put a small eraser or a block of wood in the drawer on top of the thread (see figure 2) then close the box. You are now ready to show the trick. Hold each end of the thread, with one hand above the other. The matchbox should be near the top of the thread. If you hold the thread loosely the box will slide down the thread but if you secretly tighten the thread the box will stop (see figure 3). With practice you can make it stop or go at your command.
Effect: A currency note turns itself over.
Secret: Hold the note in your left hand then fold it in half lengthways towards you. Next fold it in half away from you. Finally, fold the note in half again, this time towards your body. Now slowly unfold the note from the front, making each movement in the same direction. The note is now upside down! Strangely enough, this trick is more baffling if you do it really slowly but, like all tricks, you must practise it thoroughly to make sure you can do it perfectly before showing it to anyone.
Effect: You appear to remove your thumb!
Secret: Practise this in front of a mirror. Hold out your left hand with the palm facing you. Bend your left thumb in half towards your body. Bend your right thumb in half and place it alongside the left (see figure 1). Place your right forefinger over the front of the two thumbs where they touch (see figure 2). Move your right hand to the right and it looks as if you have removed your thumb (see figure 3). This trick should be done only to people who are directly facing you.