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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Disappearing Coin

 Effect: A coin disappears from your hand in spite of the fact that several people check it is there.
Secret: Show the coin on the palm of your hand and cover it with a handkerchief. Go to several people and ask them to feel the coin under the handkerchief. The last person you approach is (unbeknown to the rest of the audience) your secret assistant. He pretends to feel the coin but actually takes it off your palm. You can now pull the handkerchief away with a flourish and your hands are shown completely empty.
The coin has disappeared.

The Self-propelled Ball.

Effect: A ball rolls across the table until you tell it to stop.
Secret: Under the table cloth is a small ring attached to a length of strong thread. The thread runs across the table to where your secret assistant is sitting. A small ball is placed on the table. It must go into the concealed ring. On your word of command your assistant pulls on the thread and the ball moves. You then pick up the ball and hand it to a spectator. As you are doing this, your assistant pulls the ring from beneath the cloth and hides it.

Match Maker

Effect: Matches appear in an empty box.
Secret: The matchbox drawer is secretly prepared by cutting it in two. One section is longer than the other.
Put the two pieces of drawer in the box and fill it with matches. To show the box empty pull the long part of the divided drawer from the box. The matches will remain in position inside the cover and the drawer will appear to be empty. Close the drawer. To show the box full push the drawer from the other end. This moves both pieces of the drawer and the matches make their appearance.

Ring Of Deception

Effect: A bangle passes on to a length of rope tied securely to your wrists.
Secret: You need two identical bangles and a long piece of soft rope.
Secretly put one of the bangles on your arm, hidden under your coat sleeves. Have two spectators tie each
end of the rope around your wrists. Show the bangle to ensure that it is solid. Turn your back, quickly pull
the secret bangle down your sleeve on to the rope and hide the bangle just shown in an inside pocket.
Turn back to face the audience and show the bangle tied on the rope.