Effect: A 10p coin changes to two 5p coins.
Secret: To make the special wallet required you need two sheets of paper, folded as shown. Open out the folds and glue the shaded areas together. Put two 5p coins in the centre of the top sheet and fold it around them. Fold up the bottom sheet and turn the whole lot over. Place a borrowed 10p in the centre of the empty sheet and fold the paper around it. As you do this secretly turn the whole packet over.Open the paper to reveal the two coins.
Effect: You apparently read someone's mind to identify an object selected while you are out of the room.
Secret: You need a secret assistant. While you are out of the room someone selects any object in the room. When you return, your accomplice points to objects around the room but you have arranged that the fifth object he points to will be the chosen object. Identifying objects three times in succession (after arranging a different code number with your accomplice for each repeat performance) should be enough to convince the spectators that you possess amazing powers of mind reading.