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Thursday, April 8, 2010


The following makes an excellent "follow" to the preceding trick: Suppose that you have sixteen coins in all in the hat; conceal four of them in one hand. If the hat is then held by the same hand, it will not be noticed that it contains any coins.

Now ask someone to count the coins in the hat, and, of course, there will be twelve. Take four of these away, and give them to be held by another person. Hold the hat high in the air, and tell the person who bas the remaining eight coins to drop them into it when you have counted "three." Watch the action of his hand narrowly, and, as the eight coins fall, release the four concealed in the hand which holds the hat so that they all fall exactly together.

The great thing to avoid is the sound of two distinct drops, which would be fatal. Leaving the hat, covered with a handkerchief if you please, in the hands of your temporary assistant, who will, of course, be enjoined to "hold it very high," you take the four coins just previously given to be held, and "pass" them invisibly into the hat, where, of course, twelve coins will be found. The method for passing used is the same as that depicted at Fig. 7, with the difference that the coins are not palmed. They must be held in the fingers loosely (Fig. 11) so that when the false movement of placing them in the out-stretched palm is made they will come together with a clash, which is highly necessary for the success of the pass.

The hand actually containing the coins must instantly seize the wand, which article will then cause the magic journey from left hand to hat to be made. Be careful that the counting of the coins is done in a very deliberate manner, and in a loud voice, so that everyone in the room knows how many coins are supposed to be in the hat before you pass the rest into it. If this is not done, the effect of the trick is lost.

Here let me advise my readers to assiduously practise quick palming, for which purpose I would recommend trick a as a most effective exercise. So much depends upon it quick and secure palm, that too great a stress cannot be laid upon it. Indeed, I cannot too strongly impress the learner with the necessity of practising everything, to the minutest detail, in private, before venturing to perform before others. By so doing, much chagrin and disappointment will be averted.

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